elenco lavori di ricerca presentati a congressi nazionali ed internazionali - fecondazione assistita fivet icsi fertilità sterilità - dr.ssa AlessandraVucetich

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Papers at International Meetings

AMP intra conjugale: quelle strategie de prise en charge? Experience italienne. 
Deuxieme Journées Nationales "Le désir d'Enfant chez les couples VIH sérodifférents"
Toulouse, 12 et 13 mai 2000. Abstract Book: 28-29
AE Semprini, A Vucetich, M Oneta, S Fiore, T Persico, C Lanzani, V Savasi

Relationship between body mass index and hormonal profiles in infertile women
The first Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology & Infertility, 
Prague, October 28-31, 1999. Abstract Book p. 10
E. Garzia, V Savasi, P antonazzo, FPG Leone, A Bulfoni, D Camozzi, G Ragusa, A Vucetich and AE Semprini. 

IVF-ET with processed semen of HIV- positive males in infertile HIV-discordant couples
ASMR/CFAS Conjoint Annual Meeting, September 25-30, 1999, 
Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Abstract Book O-103, S40
AE Semprini, A Vucetich, M Oneta, V Savasi, C Castagna, P Serafini, A Bulfoni and S Fiore

Recurrent abortion. To treat? 2° International Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics 
and Gynaecology "Reproductive Age: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Uncertainties"
Modena, 16-18 Settembre 1999 
AE Semprini, S Giuntelli, A Vucetich and G Pardi

IVF Cycles in Couples with an Indication to Treatment Other Than Infertility
IFFS ‘98 - Scientific Papers at the Sixteenth World Congress on Fertility and Sterility and the Fifty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine.San Francisco (California), 4-9/10/98: 250
A Vucetich, P.E. Levi-Setti, L.Sacchi, P.Sulpizio, M.Ravizza, A.Bulfoni, S.Pariani, M.Oneta, G.Di Nola, G.Pardi.   

Pregnancies without maternal and vertical transmission of HIV 
after IVF-ET using the processed semen of HIV-positive partners
Oral Presentation IFFS 98 16 th World Congress on Fertility and Sterility. American Society for Reproductive Medicine, San Francisco, California, USA, October 4-9, 1998. Abstract Book: O-059 S 23
AE Semprini, M Ravizza, S.Fiore, L.Sacchi,V.Savasi,A.Vucetich,M.Oneta,S.Pariani,E.Porcu,C.Flamigni, G.Pardi

Prevalence of Abnormalities of the Uterine Cavity in Patients with Primary 
or Secondary Infertility or with Repeated Miscarriages
52nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, 
Boston, November 2-6, 1996, Abstract Book P-145, S159
PE LeviSetti,P Sulpizio,A Vucetich,G Ragusa,A Baggiani,S Pariani, ABulfoni,GDi Nola,SGiuntelli and AESemprini

Prevalence of genital tract infections and infertility in HIV-discordant couples
52nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, 
Boston, November 2-6, 1996, Abstract Book: O-035, S18
AE Semprini,S Fiore,SSavasi,SGiuntelli,A Vucetich,GRagusa,PSemino,L Sacchi,M Oneta,TPersico,PE Levi-Setti

Assisted conception to reduce the risk of male-to-female 
sexual transfer of HIV in serodiscordant couples: An update
2nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, 
Boston, November 2-6, 1996, Abstract Book: O-129, S65
AE Semprini,  A Vucetich, S Fiore, S Giuntelli, G Ragusa, P Semino, L Sacchi, M Oneta, T Persico, M Ravizza

Assisted conception to reduce the risk of male to female 
sexual transfer of HIV in HIV-discordant couples
Fifty-first Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine.
Abstract P-159. October 7/12 1995, Seattle, Washington
AE Semprini,A Vucetich,SFiore,VSavasi,SGiuntelli,GRagusa,PSemino,LSacchi,MOneta,TPersico,MRavizza

Anticardiolipin antibodies (ACA) and lupus anticoagulant (LA) in women with 
primary infertility at the first or in the subsequent cycles of IVF/ET
15th World Congress on Fertility and Sterility. Montpellier, France 1995: Abstract book OC.124
A Vucetich, S Giuntelli, V Savasi, C Castagna, PE Levi-Setti, AE Semprini

Caring for women who suffered one, two or three repeated miscarriages
4th World Congress of Gynecological Endocrinology, 1995 Abstract book FC5
AE Semprini, A Vucetich, C Castagna, P Zamperini, S Giuntelli, S Fiore, V Savasi and G Pardi

Social background of HIV-discordant couples planning for a pregnancy
Atti del IV Convegno AIDS und HIV-infektionen. Monaco, Germania, 1994; 258
Fiore S, Giuntelli S, Savasi V, Ragusa G, Sora A, Vucetich A, Ravizza M, Semprini AE

Telephonic hot line for HIV-discordant couples asking for reproductive assistance
Atti del IV Convegno AIDS und HIV-infektionen. Monaco, Germania, 1994; 257
Savasi S, Fiore S, Giuntelli S, Vucetich A, Sora A, Sulpizio P, Semprini AE

HIV-discordant couples start to use condom when they plan to have a child
Atti del IV Convegno su AIDS and HIV-infektionen. Monaco, Germania, 1994; 256
Giuntelli S, Fiore S, Savasi V, Vucetich A, Ravizza M, Sora A, Sulpizio P, Semprini AE

Assisting HIV-discordant couples to achieve pregnancy by intrauterine transfer 
of processed semen: 508 couples after starting the programme
Atti del IV Convegno su AIDS and HIV-infektionen, Monaco , Germania. 1994; 253-255
Semprini AE, Vucetich A, Fiore S, Giuntelli S, Savasi V, Sora A, Ragusa G, Castagna C, Sulpizio P, Oneta M, Persico T, Serafini P, Pardi G.

Increasing incidence of sexually infected mothers
in Italian pregnant HIV-positive women 
First Israeli-French-Italian Gynecol. Conference. Eliat, Israel, March 5-9, 1994 Abstract.41
Semprini AE, Vucetich A, Fiore S, Giuntelli S, Savasi V, Sora A, Ragusa G, Castagna C, Sulpizio P, Oneta M, Persico T, Serafini P, Pardi G.

Update of an insemination programme for 
HIV-discordant couples for male HIV Positivity. 
First Israeli-French-Italian Gynecological Conference
Eliat, Israel, March 5-9,  1994;Abstract:  40
AE Semprini,A Vucetich,S Fiore,S Giuntelli,V Savasi,A Sora,C Castagna,M Oneta,T Persico,P Serafini,G Pardi

HIV and Pregnancy: First Israeli-French-Italian Gynecological conference
Eliat, Israel, March 5-9, 1994;Abstract : 2-3
AE Semprini, A Vucetich, M Ravizza, S Fiore, S Giuntelli, V Savasi, A Sora, C Castagna, G Di Nola, G Pardi. 

HIV Infection in pregnancy: epidemiology and clinical management
International Conference HIV and toxoplasma gondii: Torch and AIDS agents
Abstract Book 45-50, Brescia, September 17-18,1993
AE Semprini, S Fiore, S Giuntelli, M Ravizza, A Vucetich, C Castagna, G Pardi. 

Insemination with semen of males infected with hepatitis B and C viruses
Abstract to the 49th Annual Meeting of the American Fertility Society, Montreal, October  9-14,1993
AE Semprini, PE Levi-Setti, A Taglioretti, S Giuntelli, A Vucetich, G Rognoni, 
S Fiore, M Ravizza, M Bozzo, G Ragusa, M Oneta, G Pardi

Pregnancy course and fetal outcome in patients with SLE, 
SLE and Lupus Anticoagulanti (LA) or LA only
LUPUS 1, 1992; suppl 1, p 58
AE Semprini, S Chiodi, M Costa, E Damasio, E Rossi, A Vucetich, R Sarli, S Garbo, S Spinelli, A Marmont

Prevenzione dell'aborto ricorrente mediante infusione endovenosa di immunoglobuline
International Congress Of Obstetric and Gynecological sciences Book of Abstract - Portoferraio, Giugno 1992
AE Semprini, A Perino, R Marceno', C Livi, A Vucetich, S Garbo, M Cignitti, 
N Colacurci, M Costa, C De Carolis, V De Leo, A Indovina, G Menato, F Strigini.

Materno-paternal immune response in couples 
with severe intrauterine growth retardation
S:G:I: 39 th Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, 1992, Abstract Book: 505
AE Semprini, A Vucetich, S Garbo,  E Morandi, C Castagna, P Zamperini

Terapia ed esiti gestazionali in donne con LES, con LAC, con LES e LAC. 
Sessione Poster, convegno 
"Il Lupus Eritematoso Sistemico: un modello di malattia autoimmune"
Castello di Pomerio, Erba, Italia.1992
AE Semprini, A Vucetich, S Garbo, C Castagna, P Zamperini, M Costa, S Spinelli

Cellular immune response to Candida Albicans 
in patients with recurrent vaginal candidiasis
Abstract 47: 12th Annual Meeting of ASIR, Charleston, South Carolina, USA
AE Semprini, A Vucetich, S Garbo, C Castagna, M Oneta, E Morandi, A Spinillo, and S Guaschino

Materno-paternal hyperresponsiveness in MLR 
and autoimmunity in couples with severe IUFGR
Abstract 121: 12th Annual Meeting of ASIR, Charleston, South Carolina, USA
AE Semprini, A Vucetich, S Garbo, E Morandi, M Oneta, C Castagna, P Zamperini

Maternal immune response in intrauterine fetal growth retardation
Abstract book 25: International Congress of Obstetric and Gynecological Sciences, Isola D'Elba, Italia
AE Semprini, A Vucetich, S Garbo, C Castagna, P Zamperini, E Morandi, M Oneta, G Pardi

Successful removal of HIV infected immunocompetent cells 
from semen of HIV seropositive men 
abstract Book, 38th Annual Meeting Society for Gynecological Investigation, San Antonio, Texas, 1991; 535
AE Semprini, E Morandi, A Vucetich, S Garbo, PE Levi-Setti, M Bozzo, M Ravizza, E Albani, G Pardi

Double blind random study of the efficacy of tiaprofenic acid 
and naproxen sodium in the treatment of primary dismenorrhoea: 
Current Research in Obstetrics and Ginaecology Papers presented 
at the European Winter Conference in Gynecology and Obstetrics
Madonna di Campiglio, Italy, February 1991. Parthenon Publishing, 1991; 497-505
AE Semprini, A Vucetich, S Garbo, P Zamperini, C Castagna, E Pedretti, G Bulfoni

Low levels of lupus anticoagulant in HIV positive pregnant women: 
perinatal outcome and relations to levels of immunoglobulins Abstract 
International Symposium on AIDS and Reproduction . Genova 1990
Semprini E, Ravizza M, Taglioretti A, Vucetich A, Lubelli E, Bulfoni G, Pardi G

Attempts to obtain spermatozoa concentrates with 
low infectivity from ejaculates of HIV + subjects
Abstracts book. VI Internat Conf on AIDS, San Francisco, 
California.U.S.A. 1990; vol 3: 267:S.C. 713
AE Semprini, A Vucetich, S Garbo, E Morandi, F Sapienza, PE Levi Setti, 
M Bozzo, M Ravizza, A Taglioretti, E Lubelli, G Pardi

Diagnosis and treatment of recurrent spontaneous abortion. Abstract book: 
Second European Winter Conference in Gynecology and Obstetrics. 
Madonna di Campiglio, Gynecol. Endocrin. 1989; Vol 3, suppl 1:16, S27
AE Semprini, A Vucetich, S Garbo, E Morandi, G Pardi   

Sperm Antibodies in Couples with Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion. Abstract book:
IV  International Congress of Reproductive Immunology.Kiel J of Reprod Imm. 1989; Suppl. 1-214; 109-P135
C Livi, M Costa, AE Semprini, S Garbo, A Vucetich, A Zanin, A Lovotti.

Pregnancy and iron supplementation
Proceedings Europ Congr Gynecol Endocrin. Parthenon Publ, London, 1988
AE Semprini, A Vucetich, G Bulfoni, G Pardi

Antinuclear (ANA), Antimitocondrial (AMA), Anti-Smooth Muscle Cell (SMA) 
in 100 normal pregnant women. Abstract book: 
XII World Congress of Obstet & Ginecol, Rio de Janeiro, 1988; 161
AE Semprini, A Vucetich, R Cinti, S Garbo, F Molteni, G Pardi

Delayed replication of amniocytes in the presence of maternal lymphocytes. Abstract book: 
Seventh Annual Meeting of the American Society for the Immunology of Reproduction.
Indianapolis, Indiana, U.S.A.  Am J Reprod. Immunol.  1987, 14 ; 1: 5, 20
AE Semprini, A Vucetich, E Morandi, R Fortuna, G Pardi, G Simoni, AE Beer

Removal of p18 immunoreactive cells from the remen of HTLV-III/LAV seropositive men
Immunologie de la Reproduction: relation materno-foetale. Colloque INSERM. 1987;154: 362
AE Semprini, A Vucetich, E Morandi, CL Parravicini, G Pardi, AE Beer

Delayed replication of amniocytes in presence of maternal lymphocytes
Immunologie de la Reproduction: relation materno-foetale. Colloque INSERM. 1987;154: 461
AE Semprini, A Vucetich, E Morandi, R Fortuna, G Pardi, G Simoni, AE Beer

HTLV-III/LAV and Human Reproduction. 
Proceedings of the 10th European Meeting of Perinatal Medicine
Leipzig, DDR, August 1986
AE Semprini, A Vucetich, G Pardi, A Lazzarin

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